Suzanne Treister
HEXEN 2039

In 1995 Suzanne Treister created the fictional alter ego Rosalind Brodsky, a delusional time traveller who believes herself to be working at the institute of Militronics and Advanced Time Interventionality (IMAT) in the twenty-first century.

HEXEN 2039 charts Brodsky’s scientific research towards the development of new mind control technologies for the British Military through a series of drawings, diagrams, a video, website and other interventions.


This work uncovers or constructs links between conspiracy theories, occult groups, Chernobyl, witchcraft, the US film industry, British Intelligence agencies, Soviet brainwashing and behaviour control experiments of the US Army.


Curated by Tania Nasielski.



Suzanne Treister
HEXEN 2039/Graphite/AudioHypnosis, Germany 1950's Graphite on Arches paper
2006 Courtsey of Annely Juda Fine Art