Wednesday – Saturday: 11am – 4pm
Sunday: 12 noon – 4pm
(Closed: Monday & Tuesday)
Following recent Government announcements easing lockdown, we are delighted to announce a phased reopening of The New Art Gallery Walsall over the coming weeks.
The first phase will start on Wednesday 5 August with the following open for visitors:
- The Ground Floor Community Gallery, sponsored by HomeServe, with 20 for 2020, 20 works of art representing each year of the Gallery’s history. The exhibition includes works by Gavin Turk, Christopher Le Brun, Soheila Sokhanvari and Jane & Louise Wilson amongst many others.
- The renowned Garman Ryan Collection on the 1st and 2nd floors, with Sarah Taylor Silverwood’s exhibition Kathleen and Sally Series.
- Our spacious shop, stocking a wide range of books, as well as gifts, gallery souvenirs, art supplies, greeting cards and stationary.
We will be operating a revised opening schedule, with the Gallery open initially from Wednesday to Saturday, 11am-4pm and on Sundays 12-4pm.
Your safety is our priority
We’re committed to making your visit safe. We are following health and safety advice with additional measures and standards also in place. Please note a few changes before you plan your visit:
- There is no need to book before you visit. On entry we kindly request visitors provide their details in accordance with NHS Track and Trace.
- Hand sanitiser will be available on entry and at stations positioned across the building.
- Please observe Government guidelines on face coverings, and adhere to social distancing throughout the Gallery.
- As usual, our informed and friendly team will be on hand to ensure you have a great visit. They will also regularly sanitise frequently touched areas such as door handles and lift buttons.
- Toilets will be available on request and cleaned frequently throughout the day.
We look forward to welcoming you back when you are ready.