Contemporary Exhibitions

Walsall Society of Artists
73rd Annual Exhibition

We are delighted to welcome back Walsall Society of Artists for their Annual Exhibition.

Works are included in a wide range of media and many are for sale.

Preview: Thursday 14 December, 6-8pm. All welcome

Sponsors and friends of the Walsall Society of Artists will present prizes in the following categories: Best Figurative Art, Best Animal Art, Best Botanical Art, Best Landscape Art, Best Abstract Art and Best 3D Art.

Demonstrations & events

During the exhibition, members will be demonstrating their talents in the Gallery on selected Saturdays:

Saturday 13 January: Pam Renhard: Lino Printing and Bärbel Withers: Acrylic

Saturday 20 January: Ann Hackett: Mixed Media Techniques, Elizabeth Whitehouse: Watercolour and Hazel Lea: Landscape in oil.

Saturday 27 January: Jean Walker: Oil and Ron Law: Watercolour & Ink

Saturday 3 February: Steve Woodhams: Abstract Mixed Media and Gwenda Jones: 3D clay / ceramic sculpture.

Saturday 17 February: Simon Tew: Acrylic Wildlife

Art Meets Poetry: Part of Wolverhampton Literature Festival

Sunday 28 January and Sunday 4 February 2024, 1-3pm

Walsall Poets present their poems inspired by the artwork of the Walsall Society of Artists. Come along and listen to the poetry and view the artwork which inspired them. Artists talk about their inspiration for the artwork.

Community Day in collaboration with Walsall Leather Museum

Saturday 10 February 2024

Many local artists demonstrating throughout the Gallery. In the Community Gallery, Walsall Society of Artists’ Jude Hanly, provides a ‘drop-in’ mixed media workshop using words, with paint and sound, to create an installation on the theme of ‘Water and Climate Change’.

To find out more about Walsall Society of Artists or if you are interested in becoming a member, please visit: or email: