(Tuesday 27 June) Arts Council England (ACE) announced that it will be investing an additional £170m outside London between 2018 and 2022 which includes funding of £3.5m for Walsall’s New Art Gallery. This investment, as part of its new National Portfolio, will support the delivery of art and culture to Walsall residents and continue to encourage visitors to come to the town from the West Midlands region and wider.
Councillor Sean Coughlan, Leader of Walsall Council said:
“I am delighted that Arts Council England recognises the national importance of the New Art Gallery with its £3.5 million National Portfolio Organisational offer for 2018-2022. Being offered every single pound that we requested is a significant vote of confidence in the New Art Gallery and our future plans for its sustainable management. With the potential of a Commonwealth Games just down the road 2022, I’d like to think we can showcase Walsall on a global stage.”
“I made it clear when setting our budget earlier this year that we never intended to close the Gallery. Instead, given the ongoing pressures to local authority funding, we needed to be more imaginative and certain about how we operate and fund such facilities. Taking a long term view of the budget over a four year plan has allowed us to do just that.”
Photo: Councillor Ian Shires, Portfolio Holder for Community, leisure and culture and Stephen Snoddy, Director, The New Art Gallery Walsall