Brand by: Kat Tromans.

Equal+Able=Not A Label online event (BSL interpreted)

Thursday 19 September, 6-7pm. Free

At The New Art Gallery Walsall we have been working for several years with a local Collections Community Panel to explore our publicly owned art collections through the lens of different themes and lived experiences important to them, and contemporary society as a whole.

Through the increase in digital engagement platforms we are able to expand the reach of our Collections nationally and internationally, so that the work of one regional UK collection can engage with other like minded groups across the country and beyond and be as accessible as possible. We can demonstrate a wider impact of art history and offer art historical re-interpretations from a contemporary perspective.

The panel’s current exhibition project examines the subject of Ableism through our Collections. Equal+Able uses our Collections to present ideas in relation to Disability, Neurodiversity and Mental Health. Join panel members and Collections Curator, Julie Macfarlane Brown, for an online look at the exhibition and the themes and artworks explored.

This event is part of the Association for Art History’s 2024 Art History Festival (taking place between 16-22 September).