Carlos Bunga, Nomad. House no.17, 2022, papier mâché, wood and paint. Citizen of the World, The New Art Gallery Walsall, 2024. © Jonathan Shaw.

Hearth and Home

Saturday 12 October 2024, 11am-12pm & 1-2pm. Free, booking essential as places are limited.

Join Peter & Nicola from Fantastic Journeys in a musical journey of discovery inspired by Carlos Bunga: Citizen of the World. Using instruments and props we will travel the world and think about the places we call home and the people who make our homes special. Participants will sing, vocalise, play instruments and explore objects and textures.

11am – 12pm: A lively session suitable for most children with Additional Needs.

1-2pm: A quieter session for children with Profound and Mulitple Learning Disabilities (PMLD) and/or Complex Support Needs.

To book, please all the Gallery on 01922 654400 or visit our reception.