The New Art Gallery Walsall is a registered Arts Award Centre and Supporter. Our Education team are trained advisors at Discover and Explore, Bronze, Silver and Gold level.
What is Arts Award?
‘Arts Award is a range of unique qualifications that support anyone up to 25 grow as artists and arts leaders, inspiring them to connect with and take part in the wider arts world through taking challenges in an art form – from fashion to film making, pottery to poetry.’
(Taken from the Arts Connect website)
At The New Art Gallery Walsall are committed to providing a safe, welcoming and friendly environment, staff expertise, facilities and resources in order to support 5-25 year olds gain their Arts Award.
Young people have the chance to find out about, enjoy and take part in visual arts activities, and develop their own skills as artists, creative practitioners, as well as future leaders.
For more information and to discuss how we can help you to deliver Arts Award please contact Catherine James, Education Assistant
T: 01922 654411